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4 of the Best Quality Shoes to Invest In

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4 of the Best Quality Shoes to Invest In

It’s true, investing in high-quality shoes is a certain way to future proof your wardrobe. Ever enduring and timeless, they’re shoes that you can rely on, time and time again. 

Believe it or not, refining your footwear collections with high quality shoes has the potential to bring an abundance of choice that can truly maximise your wardrobe’s potential for the years to come. Perfect for those who simply want to find something stylish to wear that will last much longer than the latest trend.  

When it comes to crafting high-quality shoes, we’re in our element. We’re obsessive about the finer details, the craftsmanship, and the quality of our materials, because we believe good shoes should be for keeps.  

Below, we’ve selected four high quality shoes that will set the foundations for your wardrobe this season, next season, and the one after that too - you get the idea.

Best quality brogues
Best quality brogues

1. Goodyear Welted Shoes

If you’ve found yourself pondering ‘what are the best quality men’s shoes?’ a Goodyear Welted pair is the best place to start. 

The hallmark of high quality in the world of footwear, Goodyear Welted shoes are simply made to last. It’s the most advanced form of shoe construction money can buy, where the upper and the welt are united through stitch, ultimately maximising the shoe’s strength and durability, and increasing water-resistance too. 

Oh, did we mention that shoes with a Goodyear Welt can be re-soled again and again - should you wear them out through the years. In fact, a resoled pair of Goodyear Welted shoes are more comfortable, because the leather upper of the shoes will have moulded to fit the shape of your foot, proof the finest things, like our Bushwick brogues, can only improve with age. 

Goodyear Welted
High quality loafers for men

2. Blake Stitched Shoes

Blake stitched shoes are an all-season staple for good reason. Offering greater flexibility than their Goodyear Welted counterparts, blake stitched shoes offer a closer and more elegant fit whilst retaining a high-quality finish. Why? It’s in the construction. 

The stitching of the leather upper through the insole and sole forgoes the need for a welt, creating a durable and more lightweight shoe. What’s more? A Blake stitched sole can be replaced over time to prolong the life of your shoes.

Our Cannon St loafers make the perfect pairing for tailored suits or more casual attire too, ideal for wearing on repeat throughout the seasons – no need to save them for best. As for the age-old socks or no socks question. We’ll leave that up to you. 

Blake Stitched
Suede Chukka Boots

3. Rubber Studded Soles

When the cool wet weather hits, studded rubber soles are the best kept secret amongst gents. They are sturdy and hardwearing without being chunky, making them a more elegant alternative to lug soles we find ourselves wearing through winter. Plus, the sleek, lightweight soles will look the part in the sunny months too.

Offering greater flexibility and shock-absorption than leather soled shoes, rubber studded soles are a practical companion for morning commutes or casual days about town. A true all-rounder, the circular studs positioned across the sole can prevent any build-up of dirt and debris.

What’s more? You’ll find this clever sole across our collections, from loafers to lace-ups and even boots, such as our Deacon chukkas, which come with supple leather linings and your choice of suede or leather finishes. Call it brains and beauty.

Men's Leather Trainers
Men's Leather Trainers

4. Quality Leather

Aside from the construction of a shoe, the most important quality to look for is the material that it’s made from, more specifically choosing a good quality real leather shoe

It’s the most traditionally used material in shoemaking, and with good reason. Leather has several unique properties, it’s breathable yet durable, tearproof but will mould to fit your feet, and it tends to last much longer than synthetic materials. So, if an investment pair is what you’re after, pay close attention to the quality of the materials and the finishes.

When designing our shoes, choosing quality leather is only part of the job, our leather footwear collections undergo meticulous tanning and finishing processes to bring perfect character to your shoes. Simon, our lace-up trainers demonstrate this perfectly with its neat, polished appearance.

Leather Shoes

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